Privacy policy specifies the collected personal data from the user and why we need the personal information of users, and what we do with that.


The need for the privacy policy

A privacy policy is required for keeping the user personal information confidential and protected. It assured the user’s personal data that is collected be safe. This law accepts standard limits and organizes private data gathering, usage, and disclosure. It means we may gather, use, and disclose that little information for some purpose and reason. A person would agree to such a circumstance. Its purpose is to solve privacy matters. This policy only means to protect the user personal data, and we take the responsibility to protect the privacy of user personal information such as credit card, and account information will be confidential.

The privacy policy is meant to help users. The information collected from users may help us develop new services and improve the existing services available on the websites. We also send users emails about special offers, new services, or other information. We are interested in processing your data for security, testing, maintenance, and enhancement of the services we provided you or for analyzing and reporting purposes.

A security disclosure assures the users that the personal data received is well protected, but it should be noted no method is 100% secure. We cannot guarantee its absolute security. User use the website should have a majority if their state and province of residence they belong. If it’s not so, we need some information from the user and guardians’ consent to continue using the service.

Third-party links may not affiliate with us. We are not responsible for such content and the accuracy users are taking from their part. We do not imply, warrant from such material, product, or services.

We are also not responsible for such harm & damages related to the use of goods, content, services, and transactions made with the third party sites. User can complain and claim to the third party for the services directed to the third party. We reserved the right to refuse any order, limit or cancel altogether if its found to be ordered for any other illegal process or if its found the order being placed under the same account or credit card or same address or billing we reserve the right to limit and prohibited your order if its found to be placed by resellers or dealers. We can complete the transaction if your accounts and other essential information like credit card number is updated. Users will not violate any terms and conditions, including privacy, copyright, or other personal rights. You also agree that your comment will not contain lawful, abusive, and obscene or any computer virus that could harm & damage the services’ operation. You also agree not to use any false information like an email address that can mislead us. User will be responsible for such comments posted by you.

User consent

When we get the information from users, we begin the transaction process to place an order. Its delivery or returning process and verification of credit card users also agree to provide such information with their consent. User may also withdraw their support for collecting data at any time.

All the personal information provided by the user is collected for the transaction purpose of purchasing an item. The whole given information is deleted after the transaction is completed. We will not share the user’s personal data anywhere outside.

Changes to the policy

As we change the policy from time to time, we always indicate the last changes and access to review. If changes are significant


We have listed several cookies that we use to choose if you need to opt-out of it. Unique token, sessional that helps to allow. It persists for a few minutes from the last visit to the website. It starts tackers to record the number of visitors.


If the user chooses a direct payment gateway, then payu money stores the information of your credit card data that is encrypted through users’ data stored only for the transaction purpose as long as necessary. After the purchase transaction, your information is deleted.

PCI-DSS ensures the security of your credit card information confidential.

All direct payment gateway adheres to standards set by PCI-DSS as managed by the PCI security standards council, which is a joint effort of brands like visa, MasterCard, American Express, and discover

If having query

If you would like to correct or delete any personal data or information collected by us, register a complaint, or simply want information contact us.