Standard Shipping (India)

Our standard delivery time is 2-5 Days. We try to deliver the product as early as possible. It may delay some time due to many extraneous factors like riots, communal  disharmony, strikes and force-majeure which are not in our hand and then delivery is subject to logistic partner’s discretion 

Cash on Delivery 

  • Standard deliver time is 3-6 days
  • Cash on delivery is available to metro cities and certain pin codes, While prepaid delivery is available across almost every pin codes in india.
  • Orders with Incorrect address and contact numbers are cancelled with in 24 hours.
  • Cash on delivery orders are processed post contactable number of customer and address verification by our order processing team. 
  • Cash on delivery order is acceptable on the order value below INR 5,000, 
  • It is at the sole discretion of the wear cart order processing team to dispatch or deny cash on delivery order

Please mind it, order dispatch is subject to confirmation of address and mobile number after placing the order with us. If customer is not contactable then we will not proceed after two attempts of not able to reach him or her.

if a customer has placed order and refused later to accept from our courier partner, we will not deliver to the customer again on COD. However, one can place order on prepayment basis.

l customer can reach us  either at Whats app no +91-9310541400 for shipment status or can reach us at